Dating Fails: Introduction
I figured that before I start sharing with y’all other funny (and not so funny) dating stories I should start with a proper introduction.
Personal Struggle — Part 12
I think this might actually be the concluding chapter of my personal story. At least for now… I had to stop where I did in Part 11. It got too difficult for me to write. It’s hard to write about traumatic experiences because you get to relive those moments when you go back in time, down the memory lane. I want to thank everyone once again for their support and encouragement.
Personal Struggle — Part 11
This was one of the scariest moments in my life. It’s hard to write about it and it’s hard to describe the spine-chilling terror I felt when I looked into his eyes. Those were the eyes of a psychopath and a serial killer who wouldn’t stop until he finished his victim off. Those were the eyes of someone who was killing in cold blood. Premeditated. Carefully planned.
Personal Struggle — Part 10
It’s been a while since I last posted. My son asked me to respect his privacy and not tell anymore details about his experience to the public. I will now focus back on my own story and finish telling you about how my ex almost killed me and walked away unpunished.
Personal Struggle — Part 7
I live with a lot of guilt. A lot of guilt for what I did and for what I didn’t to, for what I could and what I couldn’t do. I’m guilty for not running away from my ex as soon as my baby was born. I’m guilty for not protecting him from that monster. I’m guilty for not realizing what was happening right away. I’m guilty for realizing everything too late.
Personal Struggle — Part 6
I decided to jump forward in my narrative and focus on my ex’s far greater crimes than what he did to me. I’ll come back to the aftereffects of my attempted suicide and his subsequent murder attempt with all its details in a later post. I promise.
Personal Struggle — Part 4
As I previously stated, this is a deeply personal and painful account that I’m sharing with the world to bring awareness of several atrocious events that happened to me almost 19 years ago and were left unpunished.
Personal Struggle — Part Three
This is a very personal account that I’m sharing with the world to bring awareness of several atrocious events that happened to me almost 19 years ago and were left unpunished.
Personal Struggle — Part Two
This is a continuation of my personal story. As I previously stated, this is a deeply personal and painful account that I’m sharing with the world to bring awareness of several atrocious events that happened to me almost 19 years ago and were left unpunished.
Personal Struggle — Part One
What I am about to share is deeply personal and extremely painful to write about. It is part of my biography that I would like to completely erase from my memory and delete from my consciousness. It’s something that I’ve struggled with for the past 18 years, for most of my adult life.